There are unfortunately, approximately eight common and potentially fatal Agricultural injuries that happen every year! Tragically, nearly six fatalities per 100,000 accidents occurred last year, which is eighteen times higher than any other industry and accounts for 20% of all working fatalities! Professional Farm Health and Safety companies such as are working together with farmers all over the country to try and stop these tragedies from occurring. The most common accidents recorded were, 1) tractors overturning and farm hands being trapped underneath. 2) Farm workers falling from an extreme height. 3) Getting entangled in farm machinery and suffering amputations. 4) Suffocation. 5) Horrific burns. 6) Exposure to toxic substances. 7) Injuries from animals. 8) General vehicle accidents.
Having a current and extensive Health and Safety Action Plan on any working farm is a legal requirement. By complying with all the stringent rules and protocols Farmers are able to claim any subsidies and grants that are available from the Government. Many forward thinking Farmers are already working together with professional companies who can provide them with a bespoke Risk Assessment, thorough on-site, accredited training, H & S policies, induction plans and colour coded farm maps and site plans.
The Health and Safety Executive or H S E reported that farming transport was the biggest cause of all fatalities, seven individuals were hit and killed by a farm vehicle. Keep your farmhands safe by having an accurate and extensive Health and Safety Plan and procedures in place.