An entrepreneur is an inventor of ideas


An entrepreneur is an inventor of companies, so starting a business is similar to making an invention. At the beginning, everything is uncertain: starting a business is a risk and can go right or go wrong. However, you can increase the chances of success by taking specific measures. The important thing is to be informed and prepared to face this new challenge and move forward to get closer to your idea.

Finding the perfect name

The name is the card of the business to the public. People may feel attracted or not your company only a detail that sometimes they overlook the budding entrepreneurs.

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You should think thoroughly as it will be how to distinguish the business for life. Therefore, a good name is one that says a lot in a few letters and which is commercially attractive.

A specific name details in advance the profile of the company and encourages people to approach for its functionality.

Avoid putting any of their names. This shows a lack of imagination and not attracts anyone’s attention.

Nor seek the numbers, at least that mean something or relevant. Use your creativity to think of a catchy name either its meaning or how it sounds.

Financial control

The movement of finance is one of the most important points for a small business. A common mistake is the mismanagement of cash flow. The key to financial success lies in maintaining a good cash flow and be able to cover basic expenses such as materials, equipment and salaries of employees.

Keep full control over your debts and bills. Pay what you owe before the deadline to avoid interest and be polite but firm to ask your customers payments. Encourage them with prompt payment discount. To achieve this, it is essential that you hire a good accountant.

Bank accounts

Consider a personal account is not the same as a business. For personal use, the workings of money are very different from those of an entire organization.

Why should find another profile bank and find one that provides the best facilities in terms of withdrawals and transactions be concerned. You continually made ​​such operations should therefore reduce as far as possible the bank charges.

Find the bank that handles the best conditions in terms of interest and small business services.

Select an edgy bank online service. Handle transactions, withdrawals and fees quickly and at any time, it is one of the great advantages of Internet banking access. This provides efficiency and savings of all kinds.

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Legal Affairs

The basis for operating a successful business is to be free of legal errors. Without this support, simply loses the right to continue their business and runs the risk of falling in jail.

Therefore, it is important to have a lawyer before starting the business. As much as you try not to make mistakes, you cannot avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Act legally and responsibly as the course of business. Take care of the quality of their products and services to avoid lawsuits, particularly if its field involves sensitive issues such as health, food safety and customer.

Do not look only outward, also do it inward. As the owner of a company will employ people, so you should learn about your rights and respect also to avoid conflicts that side.

In general, you should immerse yourself in all kinds of legal issues surrounding your business to not give rise to problems that can ruin the whole planning time.


Find a space to set up the workplace; traditionally it was the primary steps. Now you are free to follow or not.

With advances in Internet, radio and telecommunications in general, have remote employees becomes an excellent choice, especially because it reduces maintenance costs of an office in their rent, utilities, equipment, etc.

However, before taking that decision, analyze well the profile of your business. If possible, your employees to work from home and accountable so then go ahead. However, if you need tighter control and presence when needed, it is best to work in an office.

Try placed in a central location but with cheaper costs. Does not aspire to be a huge building, especially if your business is small. Optimize the space and make it comfortable and functional.

Overcome the tendency of wasteful spending that detract capital rather give customers and focus on being efficient and getting more and more customers.

Before starting

To put your feet on the ground and start walking, know well the reasons for wanting to start a business. Relate your answers with your ability to carry it out.

Start and attend a business consumes a lot so you should ask yourself if you have the right personality and availability. Decide business structure depending on which one best fits to your idea and your needs. The main question is whether you should start alone or find partners. Both have their pros and cons, so you should analyze well your chances.

Determine the duties and assume responsibilities as the owner of a new business. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Be critical and honest, and ask your friends to get an outside opinion. From that, assume functions in which you can develop and hire other people or seek specialist advice.

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Be conservative in the beginning. Even though his idea sounds wonderful, you will not make you a millionaire in a second. You should handle intelligently, rationing finance and budget to develop the business gradually.

Research your competition and identify your weaknesses. Successful market entry depends on a clear awareness of and differentiation of the same, either by price, quality, advertising, etc. And determined the profile of your business, you should think about the ideal place to locate it. It should be established taking into account the circumstances of the market that wants to attack. Take into account their social, economic and cultural to take a decision on status.

Develop a business plan. Their ideas on paper and arranges oriented towards the same goal, in addition to checking numbers feasibility. Doing so ensures that your initial business idea remains solid in his mind and prints your efforts without losing sight of their priorities and objectives.

A well-structured plan helps to get loans, financing and partners, as well as giving a complete picture of the business to its employees.

To avoid further problems, seek professional help and traditionally in specific problem areas. It is essential to always have at hand an accountant, a lawyer and a financial adviser, who may be defining the success of your business. Visit several and see which ones are most appropriate for their ideas.