Having an effective host provider is vital to the health and success of your website. Whether your site is booming or crashing will impact your business, so let’s look at some common mistakes you should avoid.
Not investigating customer support
While nobody wants to encounter problems and have the need to use customer support, it is important to know that it is on hand if required. Take a look at the provider’s website and see what channels are available – such as online chat, telephone, social media and email – and whether this is 24/7 help. If there is a crisis with the hosting and your website goes offline, you will be missing views and taking a hit to your business. You need a host that is quick, responsive and on the ball to get things back up and running as soon as possible.
Not checking security
Online security is increasingly important – as technology gets more sophisticated, so too do hackers. There is always the chance of data breaches, malware or even human error, so having a host that employs secure systems is vital.
Not matching the host with your requirements
There is so much choice today that it is hard to know which website host provider to choose. Opting for the cheapest is tempting; however, it pays to take a little more time to think it through and make an informed decision.
Which provider you go for very much depends on what your website is about, how much bandwidth it will need, how much traffic you are likely to have, and so on. You will need a package that suits your needs and will typically find packages designed for different users, from bloggers and small businesses to large companies and eCommerce. The host needs to be able to handle the requirements so that both you and your users get a smooth experience. The likes of names.co.uk can provide information and hosting services for everyone from casual bloggers to big businesses with high traffic. You will also need to consider whether you require additional features such as enhanced security, extra back-ups, or website builder tools.
Not checking reviews
You can’t believe everything you read, but reviews can give you a general feel for a company. Check out a range of different sources, including user reviews for first-hand experiences and technical reviews for professionally opinions.