If you are looking at preparing simple tax returns, then consider using the H & R block At Home, which is tax preparation software that is user friendly. This tax preparation software has got very easy to read data entry screens. They have a ‘Guide Me’ section that allows users to get assistance when stranded. Also included in the price of this software is the ‘Worry Free Audit Support” which can help the user defend his tax returns.
Who should use H&R Block At Home
The H & R block At home is very suitable for those people who are not in permanent employment as well as those who are self employed. This tax preparation software minimizes the stress associated with filling tax. It has got short interview questions which assist in hastening the whole process. This tax preparation software has the ability to import data from personal finance software’s. Those in self employment would definitely be happy with the At Home’s package on assets and depreciation because of its ability to deal with the deductions related to business equipment.
Frequently asked questions
It is amazingly easy to get help using the H&R Block. The frequently asked questions can be easily found on the right side of the screen. You will not that the questions are not generalized and placed on one screen but rather each screen has questions relevant to it. This makes it very easy for the user to find the answers they need.
Quite notably, you will find the “Guide Me” set of interview questions which also go along way in assistance the user.
There is also a function known as “Ask a Tax Advisor” that is provided. When you press this function you can be proved with a tax consultant at $ 19.95.
In case you are not able to complete your tax return your data can be handled by an H & R Block employee. This product is referred to as the “Best of Both” and has a minimum price of $ 99.95.
Different Product Versions
This home tax preparation software comes in different packages which are namely; Free, Basic, Deluxe, Premium and the Best of Both versions. The At Home Premium package has options for preparing a business, payroll, partnership and estate returns. These are not available on the other packages.
Depending on the chosen package, this software comes in different kinds of prizes. They include the federal and one state software a probably windows or windows and Mac depending on the package selected.
For the self employed and stay at home moms, this could just be it.