Many sellers do not work the potential of their current customers. In addition, those who do produce only a fraction of the potential of these customers. Satisfied customers tend to be favorably predisposed to do business with you.
They want to continue shopping. However, it is your obligation as a seller to make the effort and have enough ability to get the customer back. At this point, the affinity is key.
You have to see each customer as an individual or company to whom you will serve, which you will provide benefits, which you will help improve and that will create value forever.
To get repeat sales this is a simple question. When was the last time you personally communicated with your customers? When was the last time you made them feel that you care about more than their checkbooks?
If you do not have time to do it, you should have someone very professional and prepared to do it on your behalf. Only to tell them that you appreciate them, or to share an idea that you have seemed valuable to them.
The more you communicate with your customers in a personal way, the higher your connection with them.
Here are ten ideas for tracking customers. They are ideas that serve to build confidence. They are ideas that build customer loyalty and make them keep buying.
1) Remember, most sales are made after several contacts. Therefore, follow up consultations and tracks for some time before abandoning.
2) Combine follow up by phone with e-mails and business letters.
3) Send a special letter of “thank you” to new customers as soon as you receive your first order. Thank your customers for each additional request.
4) Send letters or e-mails every so often, without involving an immediate sale, to thank for previous purchases. Invite them to buy and attach promotional material accompanying the invitation to purchase.
5) Give your customers special offers “exclusive for customers.”
You may also like to read another article on Heygom: Strategies to retain your customers
6) To avoid possible “regrets” of customers who have made major purchases, send a follow up message reinsuring the idea that they have made a good buy.
7) Click after sales follow-up. Ask the customer how you feel about the product you bought it. Ask for more information and, if appropriate, suggest ways to use the customer may not have taken into account.
8) Increase the willingness of their customers by sending them advance information of their settlements and special offers.
9) The holidays this year, or any other date celebrations are a good opportunity to invite inactive customers back to buy.
10) If you made a mistake in any written communication, quickly sending a letter of correction (and if appropriate, adding any additional supply).
If you follow these simple tips will assure you can get repeatedly and sales more effectively.