A article on Time Management dedicated in particular to Startupper, Vendors, Professionals and Small Entrepreneurs … specifically to help you never confuse the many hours worked with hard work and avoid thinking that so many hours worked always corresponds to many achievements.
Often it is not so, often many hours is equivalent only to so much stress more … Of course, this is a post useful only to those who believe that he could not do enough with the time he has available.
So advice and suggestions, which I hope you will be able to apply to your personal time management…
Programming of the time effectively
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing in it” (Stephen Covey)
These words help me to understand that time is a resource like any other. If you’re not then treating it as an investment, begins to think about how you budget just like you probably already do for economic and financial management of your business.
“Time is the scarcest resource. So until you may not be able to manage time, you may not be able to handle anything “(Peter F. Drucker)
Sure statement a bit ‘stronger than our Drucker but it is a classic that is always worth revisiting because it puts the effective time management as the conquest of an ability that can make you even effective in managing any other occupation. Basically, if you can in this …
“A useful task brought to a successful conclusion is worth half a hundred tasks performed in the middle”(Malcolm S. Forbes)
It may appear a citation obvious but we all have a limited time. So, it is important to use it to do one thing very well, rather than spending the same time hundreds of other needs but may creep unnecessarily in your to-do list.
“If you do not know exactly where you’re going, how will you know when you arrive?” (Steve Maraboli)
This phrase in its simplicity, it helps you to understand that if you do not have a good plan, you cannot manage your time effectively. Adjust what actually your main priorities, both on a daily basis and in the long term and then concentrated first of all on them.
Time Management and Entrepreneurship
“In business, there is a time to persevere but it can also be a time when you have to change course. When something does not work, sometimes you have to wait longer and increase their efforts to get results but there are also times when it is definitely clear that it cannot work. Continue operating without considering this, just makes you waste valuable time” (Ross Hill)
Block a project or your new idea can certainly be motivating, but just continue to waste your time on activities that do not bring you any result or benefit, it is much worse.
“As a professional or entrepreneur, it is important to remember the importance of the brand and the ability to delegate. Like a quarterback in football, it is important to guide and lead your team to the line of goal, but you will not go very far without those blocks opponents and without the recipient and destination port your launch” (Brian Hope)
You must be clear how and what to delegate. Always try to understand how you can avoid wasting your valuable time on tasks that might very well not require your direct involvement. Make a plan to delegate these tasks and other activities in order to never compromise the ability to focus on your priorities.
“Relationships are essential for success in any business. Networking is important to create relationships. The link, perhaps random, with hundreds of people online may not be as equally beneficial for your business. Dedicating time to networking. Remember: only one true faith in the real world relationship is worth a thousand online connections” (Steve Tobak)
This sentence may sound strange in the digital age, and given the importance of today’s web marketing for the growth of any business, but it makes you focus attention on the fact that if an activity such as networking produces benefits, you should always avoid other activities, apparently or potentially just as effective, they can gain a higher priority in your time management.
You may also like to read another article on Heygom: Home Office and Productivity: 7 Tips to Concentrate and Work Better
The long-term planning time
“We have always overestimated the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will happen the next decade” (Bill Gates)
If he says so … Take a long-term approach to the management of time, it may not be as productive as you would expect in the short term, but in the end, you might be surprised what you can accomplish!
“A disciplined use of time that others waste can usually give you a huge advantage. The rich and famous thriller writer Scott Turow, wrote his first book, using the same time they have all the morning commuters who take the train to New York City. The difference is that all those who were around him, they wasted their time. For most people in fact that time does not matter …. Think about it from now on when you say to yourself ‘are just 10 minutes” (Dan Kennedy)
As soon as possible, identifies if you have spaces of time wasted during the day. Convert only some of these opportunities into productive time; it can make a big difference.
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that we can do something about it even now” (Alan Lakein)
This phrase has been for me an incredible importance. I found it immediately phenomenal and very motivating. Planning is crucial if you want to succeed. Not only the one on which you are already working, planning will help you achieve today what you would otherwise put in motion only from tomorrow.
“You can have it all. Just not all at once” (Oprah Winfrey)
We have all the access to a limited number of resources, both as regards the time that the energy that the money … However, even if you cannot have it all at once, you can decide how to allocate the available resources in order to achieve the results you desire.
Time management and Focus
“One of the reasons why so few of us get what they really want is that this never turn the proper attention; we never focus on this our power. Most people delights of most things in life, never deciding to master anything in particular” (Anthony Robbins)
You will be more focused on your work, you wilt more targeted, and the more successful you will receive. Associates a proper time management to a real ability to focus yourself (as if I were a laser beam) and it is very likely that you can achieve your dreams.
“It’s best to do the right thing slowly do a wrong thing in a hurry” (Peter Turla)
We are at the festival of the obvious? Maybe … but carefully edit your habits related to time management, it may be the only way to ensure that you are working on the “right” things. You never have to leave you invest from things “wrong” because when it happens, you only have a lot more things to do in your to do list!
Productivity through time management
“The way you measure productivity is wrong. Check the phone during dinner is not a good method to measure productivity” (Timothy Ferriss)
The real productivity is not measured by analyzing the amount of time in which you are busy. If you’re not doing something to move from this perception, you may already have a desperate need to make changes to the way you manage your time ….
“If you now the most important thing, you’ll never be a day when something important has not been done” (James Delete)
Read it well … one of the best ways to improve your productivity is to immediately make an important single activity, every day, at the beginning of the working day. Immediately get this result, let you can no longer think that an entire day has been a waste. Not bad for your motivation and your energy, do not you think?
“It concentrates the most important activities in the time bands for you more productive. Each of us has one or more time slots in which work and produce better” (Perry Marshall)
In addition to the early hours of the morning, we all have different energy cycles throughout the day. Try to understand what are your, the times when you are more productive, in order to use very positive that energy to do more important things.
In conclusion …
“The best time to start was last year. Missed this possibility, do it today “(Chris Guillebeau)
This I find it perfect to close this post. Stop thinking and start doing! While you cannot go back in time, begins today to adopt a proper time management.