If you are a professional the problem of time and its management is probably one of your daily dilemmas. In fact, it is not easy to manage every aspect of your business alone. Above all it will not be easy to monitor and perform at best all those activities that do not fall within their competence. The most common mistake you can make at the beginning is to want to learn everything and manage every aspect of your business yourself.
The excuses do not matter: “I am a perfectionist …”, “I like taking my responsibilities”, “I prefer to learn without paying externals”, in the end you will find yourself overwhelmed by papers, tasks and tasks and you risk losing the focus from that that is your main activity. Just remember 80% of your results must come from 20% of your efforts. If you do not learn to delegate, you simply do damage to yourself and your business.
Here are 5 practical tips …
1) Define tasks precisely
Define the tasks and tasks to be performed for each of your employees. The advice is always to keep yourself wide enough. Tend to be delegated by area of competence.
In this way you will have close-knit and motivated collaborators.
2) Define your work modes
Defining the working methods also helps the collaborator to understand when and how much will be required for his competence and how long it will take away.
This will help you not only to understand if the employee is in line with your needs but also in the negotiation phase of the fee due.
3) Define expectations and goals
Together with the tasks and methods of work, it is important to clarify what results to expect from each employee. It is important to clarify this aspect well in order to avoid future disappointments both on one side and on the other.
4) Teaches, helps and gratifies
Looking for collaborators in your career also teaches you to be a manager. A good manager, precisely, gratifies, helps, collaborates, corrects and advises to improve the final result of the collaboration. On the one hand we must not avoid proposing our help and making ourselves as much as possible as possible for our collaborators; on the other, it is good to protect one’s time and effort. If you rely on professionals, however, do not worry: you will be able to reach your goals in a short time.
5) Prioritize the aspects of your business that you want to delegate
It is clear that at the beginning one cannot delegate everything and would in any case be an inefficient choice.
However there are some tasks that it is better to delegate right away. Corporate availability is probably one of these. Continuously checking your mobile phone or your mailbox can be detrimental to your productivity and efficiency. It is no coincidence that 85% of managers mention calls and messages as the main source of distraction of their employees.
5 +1) Maximize times and processes
Delegation must be a process aimed at maximizing your time and achieving greater production efficiency. If you spend too much time doing the previous steps it means that either you are doing something wrong in the whole process or you do not find yourself adequately well with the person with whom you decided to collaborate. Look at the tips and points described above not in chronological order but as processes to be followed and implemented step by step.
We hope these tips can help you and your business develop better.
And you? Do you have any other advice for those who start or try to delegate something to someone?