8 Free Google’s Resources Essential To Write Better

Google Resources

I know, Google is the daily reference point. You use it every day to find all the information needed to work, go to dinner and book holidays. Not only that, Google allows you to write better. It becomes a crucial resource when you want to do blogging.

I thought that this work was referring only to your personal ability, the ability web writer. Or use the usual tools to find good keywords as Ubersuggest, Answer The Public and Hypersuggest. Not to mention pay platforms like SEMRush and SEOZoom.

But this is the reality … Google helps you write better, it helps you achieve interesting results in terms of form and substance. At the base, there are specific skills but I assure you that you can do so much with this search engine. Here are 8 tools to write better with Google …

Google Calendar

Start with a service as banal as vital to making blogging seriously (and then write better): Google Calendar, the ideal tool to follow the pace of publication and not miss a single post. There are many ideas to set up an editorial calendar, but nothing beats the combination proposed by Mountain View. Still, if you need to show the dates of a tour or specific events you can define a public calendar and embed it in a web page.

Google Keyword Planner

Always one of my favorites SEO tool from blogger and copywriter. The reason is simple: Keyword Planner indicates the search volumes and CPCs of the most important keywords. The situation has changed, now the data of this tool are related to who does advertising on Google AdWords – clearly have only estimates – but in any case it remains a key tool.

How to use this solution? First to get an idea of the spread of a topic in the audience. Having the volume of research is to know the needs of the people than a theme, to cross with the cost per click that reproduces the monetary investment. This starting point is important to build your article SEO oriented.

Google Trends

An institution for those involved in digital marketing. Google Trends gives you the ability to record the progress of a topic, a topic, in time and space. This work is necessary to organize in the best way the calendar of publications possible. Knowing in advance whether a topic is sought or less means to reduce the chances of failure. And increase successful ones. Is this not the goal of those working full-time on the web?

Google Suggest

Google Resources
Image Source: Google Image

I’m not moving without consulting the results of Google Suggest, the function of the search engine that helps you complete the query and will suggest related searches. The reason for this focus is simple: you can find out the public’s interests around the keywords that you’ve already identified through the Keyword Planner job. In this way, the strategy is clear:

  • Locate the most important keyword.
  • Learn More related topics.

All this is based on the real participation of the people. The Google Suggest data, in fact, they are based on searches typed by the public. Consequently, this tool allows you to work in the right direction: giving people what they need, the content they are looking for. Writing in this way is essential to achieve good results.

Google Drive

A certainty for those involved in blogging and web writing professionally. With the documents you upload this suite can share work, texts and spreadsheets turned into editorial calendar. Not only that, Google Drive, you can create forms to generate questionnaires and surveys is to be shared on social which embed in web pages. Practically perfect if you want to gather information about your readers.

You may also like to read another article on heygom: Google Analytics: What track on a company website?

Google Analytic

One of the points of reference for those working in the web marketing industry. Google Analytic is famous for improving your blog because it records not only visits but all that individuals make on your website: how they move, what they want and what they like. Not only you can record the most visited content, and get an idea of the topics that run on your blog, but you can investigate what people search for when they arrive on your website.

How? By defining the behavior of the public in the inner search. All blogs should have a search field to allow the public to find articles dedicated to a theme.

Google Analytic provides the ability to track the queries typed within your domain. This way you can find out what they want to contact and put in the editorial calendar titles to meet the research. This is the right way to give the reader what he wants.

Google Map

In reality, this is not to write but to publish the best possible content. I moved away from the web writing but I remain in the publisher theme: if you’re a travel blogger and would give you the essential information to understand where you find a place, or even what is the way of a path, you can use Google Maps.

To achieve precisely customized maps to be included in a web page. Now, think about the excursions that you studied to intercept a particular audience and sell your advice would be best with an interactive map, right?

Google Search Console

The search console is useful for those who work with a blog. Because in this suite you can find tools to manage the technical aspects of the domain. But with this tool you can find out the analysis of the research: a page that lists all the positions of your blog and defines a comparison between different voices.

  • Click to website
  • Impressions in the query
  • CTR
  • Position in SERP

How can all this worthwhile? First, you can check the position in time of resources, but there is another aspect: comparing the click through rate, you can optimize Meta Description and title tags to increase traffic. Working on micro content is important; especially in this case, need to get good results.


Ah, do not forget to search. Everything starts from a basic search to see what has already been published, and how you can give something more to the audience, you want to reach. Sometimes simplicity is the detail that can make a difference.

These are the tools provided by Google to write better. To publish great content and to be always on your side the public. Because the fundamental purpose of all this remains the optimization of the articles always thinking about the people who need certain information. Do you agree with these guidelines? Leave your experience in the comments; help me to complete the list indicating the new tool functions.