A combination of education and experience enables managers to deliver their best while expecting the best from their team. What does it take to be a value-added business leader? Here are some ways that a business leader can add value to his or her team and corporation.
Clear Communication
The most effective managers and supervisors have a clear communication style that they consistently utilize with all employees, colleagues, and clients. Not only are clearly communicating managers more productive overall by themselves, but the teams they manage are also more productive. A manager that communicates clearly has an overall transparency that is appealing and facilitates trust.
Advanced Education
MBAs are in high demand in the business world. A prospective employer sees a job candidate with an MBA as an investment in the quality of his or her staff. The University of Maryland understands that top leaders need education in the best practices in business management. Getting an advanced degree in business communicates to your employer as well as your team that you are committed to doing what it takes to attain a high-quality leadership style.
Generous With Giving
An extension of the Golden Rule, a value-added business leader treats others how he or she would want to be treated. This means treating everyone with respect as a person with intrinsic value. By treating everyone with respect, a manager is adding value to others around him and the result is that everyone is lifted up in the process. Giving others recognition for a job well done and commitment to the mission of the company or the achievement of a project objective should not be overlooked. When subordinates are recognized for a job well done, it engenders an attitude of loyalty and trust.
A Specialty Seeker
Every value added manager has a personal specialty at a high level of business, whether it is cross-cultural communication or human resources management. At the Carson College of Business, the emphasis is on international marketplace experience. This specialty is increasingly important now and will become even more important in the future. Learn more about their mba degree online.
Consistency in Attitude and Behavior
When a leader’s behavior and attitude are consistent no matter what happens, employees learn what to expect. When employees’ expectations are set, that helps them to be able to focus on their roles in the organization. A leader’s consistency will also set the tone and expectation for the team members to be consistent as well.
Adding Value to others
Forbes Magazine notes that a focus on growing employee’s skills and talents pay off. When management takes the time to hire good employees and give them feedback, education and development opportunities, the productivity per employee grows. This makes the company an attractive pick for investors who are looking for successful companies to invest in.
A manager that adds value to their organization is well sought after for employment and retention. By adopting and practicing these principles for adding value in the workplace, you can benefit from increased communication and productivity from yourself and your staff.