If you are after a new laptop but are on a budget, then buying a refurbished laptop from somewhere like this https://www.refurbishedlaptops.co.uk could be the best option for you. Although a refurbished laptop isn’t going to be brand new, the only real difference between buying a brand new laptop and a second hand one is cosmetic.
Buying a laptop second hand comes down to research. It is better to go to a company that refurbishes laptops than buying off a private seller. This is because you can never be sure what you are getting when you buy off a private seller, and with high value electronics like laptops, this is something that you need to be careful about.
A company that refurbishes laptops will not only have the expertise to ensure that the laptop is in good working order, but many will also offer you a warranty, which will protect your laptop for a certain period of time.
Refurbished laptops also come in a variety of different grades, ranging from being nearly new to having some cosmetic damage. It is worth looking into this as this also covers what the laptop is supplied with, such as the box and also other accessories such as the charger.
What it comes down to in the end is your requirements vs your budget – shopping around can really pay off, so if you are prepared to spend the time looking you can get a really good deal and save yourself money.