When marketing your company or organisation, branding is an extremely powerful tool. Pictures, logos and text style all play a part, but perhaps one of the most overlooked areas is colour. All too often, a colour is chosen based on personal preference.
Personal choice may well give an indication of the company style, especially if it’s a smaller organisation, but it is also important to consider the message that different colours send. When chosen correctly, the colour of your branding will add emphasis to your message and help to attract your ideal audience.
When looking for a branding agency Cheltenham offers exciting local options that will work with you to ensure that your message is clearly conveyed through your colour choice and that your audience will connect with your company.
The Psychology of Colour
Highly effective brands draw their audience in with messages that are relatable. Buying decisions and customer loyalty are influenced not only by the more overt marketing messages, such as discounts and offers, but also by more subtle visual cues.
Research has shown that using colour effectively in branding can increase recognition significantly and attract new customers, in addition to helping to cement connections with existing customers.
Brand development uses design and organisational messages, combined with colour, to tell the story of your company. Independent practices such as branding agency Cheltenham businesses appreciate how to understand your organisation and convey your message with originality, clarity and impact.
Developing Your Brand
Most organisations start out with a fairly simple brand message, but as your organisation progresses, the use of a colour palette across all your marketing can convey an extremely powerful message. Iconic brands use colour palettes to good effect; in some cases, most people will know the brand just from the colours, even without seeing the logo or company name.
If you’re considering using a branding agency Cheltenham has practices with local, national and international branding expertise. Independent practices will have experience in the markets and will understand how to convey your brand story to deliver a powerful impact and distinctive identity to reinforce the connection with existing customers and attract new ones.
For small businesses, effective branding with a colour palette that sends the right message can ensure that you stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons.