When we talk about newsletters, we cannot restrict the topic exclusively to the email itself. We must instead consider an element that precedes the body of the text and on which the opening rate depends: “the subject of the email.”
Sometimes a book must also be judged by the cover. In short, an unattractive title and an unattractive image risk nullifying the work completed. The object has the same function as the covers, it has the extraordinary power to convince or not the sender to open the emails, whether they are work or personal.
The object indicates synthetically (about 60 characters) what the recipient will find in the mail. Our personal experience with e-mails shows us that we are led to make a choice only after a quick analysis of the object. But is it really enough to read so little to understand the content?
It is clear that if you have experience writing an object, you have a high probability of increasing the opening rate of the mail and therefore of transforming the user into a customer. You’ll have to send lots of emails before figuring out which item works best for another. Once you understand the mechanism, you will see that you will get better results. The difficulty is all in using correct and convincing words.
Sometimes someone who does not give importance to the object unintentionally makes mistakes.
3 most common mistakes
- Do not put any objects: Who thinks “If I do not write anything I am not mistaken” does not know what he says, because not inserting any object is even worse than wrong! If with an unclear object you risk not convincing the reader, the complete absence reduces any possibility.
- Write the text inside the object: The object must not contain more than 6-8 words let alone all the contents of the email. Absolutely not!
- Use the object inefficiently: There is not much space in the subject line, so experienced marketers recommend using words sparingly and wisely. So avoid word rounds, pleasantries, greetings, thanks, but go straight to the point, you will do yourself a favor and to those who will read you.
When writing a newsletter, the first real purpose is to avoid with all your own skills and competences, to finish directly in the trash or in the spam. The second is to bring traffic to the site or e-commerce. If you are working on building a good newsletter, but not yet on the site. With one click, before you finish reading this article, you have already created your responsive site, which can be customized and always updated with the Facebook page.
With this article, I give you 5 good tips to make the subject of the email interesting (or simply more effective than what you generally use).
1# Communicates urgency
You have time until … to go for free to the PRO version!
The offer expires …
You haven’t downloaded the new eBook yet.
In short, whatever the urgency, make it present first of all in the subject of the email. In general, deadlines, urgencies, temporary opportunities push the user to read the emails so as not to have unpleasant surprises.
2# Finished curiosity
Did you know that … We
Finally did it!
This news will make you happy!
Curiosity moves the world and can even push even the laziest people to open the email and read the contents!
3# Transmit uniqueness
A great news for you! Useful for organizing your e-commerce, we give you your exclusive coupon for …
Imagine the satisfaction of each user if he felt special and unique for a brand or company. Leverage the exclusivity of the email. It may be helpful to create different mailing lists to profile your emails even more pertinently.
4# Give unmissable offers
On the occasion of … we give you …
Happy birthday! Discard our gift
[Coupon -25% discount] Today is a special occasion!
As mentioned several times, it is always the right time to offer a discount, a gift, a coupon to your users. The subject of the email may be the package to be discarded before coming to surprise!
5# Send useful and interesting communications
If you bought … you can’t miss …
Great! Find out what you can do with …
The first purchase is free. Find out more!
Not all emails are junk, but it is also true that not all emails contain pearls of wisdom or universally valid content. Unfortunately or fortunately, the users are different, with different tastes and needs.
In order to avoid mass mailings that can be useless, ignored and trashed, it is always recommended to focus on quality rather than quantity. The correct way to send newsletters is first of all to create lists of people who share their interests, ages, purchases, etc. and then send consistent emails (obviously with effective objects for each user group). For example, a user who has already purchased a product in your e-commerce will not be interested and will never read an e-mail with the subject “30% discount on your first purchase“.
In this case, you will have to create the “new users” list to send this type of newsletter and coupon. While other communications will be sent to the “customers” list: arrival of related products, blog articles on how to best use the product purchased, discounts on another item of the line already purchased, etc.
How many times have you given up writing the subject of the email? I understand, I’ve been there too! What matters is trying out different texts and finding the one that converts the most. An email is of no use if you don’t have a website to send your readers to.