If you plan to open a new business different from the usual, you can opt for a lounge bar. In addition to traditional sweets and coffee, it is a place that also offers customers alternatives such as cocktails, unique appetizers, high-level wines, and evenings of typical piano bar music, revealing itself to be a place of social gathering. And also a meeting place for business people. So if the choice falls on such a site, the advice is to read the next steps of this guide, where you will find all the detailed information on opening a bar.
How to open a bar?
The first thing to do to start a lounge bar successfully is to accurately design the room’s interior. In this regard, we recommend that you rely on a designer if the work appears too complicated and therefore discouraging. If there are already traditional bars and the same lounge bars in the chosen place, the theme and the proposed service will certainly make a difference in competition. At the same time, you will also have to choose a particular theme that can make the context special, such as providing a relaxation room where people can smoke a cigar and have a drink, perhaps naming the exclusive wing with the nickname of “cigar lounge. “.
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Get in good standing with the health service
To open a lounge bar, it is necessary to think about and face expenses, including those relating to the necessary insurance, by complying with the local ASL’s health service. Besides, a special license must be requested for the administration of alcohol, while as regards the capital you will need at least fifty thousand euros minimum, to cope with the purchase of machinery for the production of sweets, coffee and drinks as well as for the preparation of the structure with tables, furniture and various furnishings such as luxurious sofas and armchairs, perhaps in leather. Once this is done, you will need to hire qualified personnel such as waiters, bartenders, and counter staff. Clearly, since the eye also wants its part, it will be good to have a uniform with the lounge bar’s symbols, as it will serve you to differentiate yourself from the competition and make the context even more luxurious and exclusive. To open the business, the advice is to read the next step of this guide, where you will find other important information.
Fulfill tax obligations
At this point, having completed all the first organizational part, to open a lounge bar, it is necessary to fulfill the tax obligations for which, like all commercial activities, various types of licenses are required, and above all, the opening of a VAT number with subsequent registration in the Chamber of Commerce and the Revenue Agency. You can also perform this operation yourself without necessarily relying on an expert since today it is possible to do them online. In the case of the Revenue above Agency site, once you have obtained access to the same name portal via a PIN device, you can take day by day monitor the tax drawer to find out in real-time what obligations are due. Finally, to complete the bureaucratic process.