7 Unique Ways to Increase Brand Recognition in 2018

Brand Recognition in 2018

Like many other things in life and in business, branding is a marathon, not a sprint. We can get a return fast enough, but really good stuff, like wine, works in the long run. You have to devote a lot of time to work and you will never be able to look into the future to find out that your work will really pay off, and the results will coincide with your expectations. Branding requires consistent action.

Here are 7 ways to get started on increasing the visibility of your brand …Continue reading →

Block Management and the Issue of Scalability

Dynamic growth is occurring in the block management market: with growing demand for homes, opportunities arise for property managers.

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Problems of Block Management

However, residential management is complex. Management companies need to send out demands for service charges, carry out accounting and keep track of maintenance work.

All information needs to be easily accessible, and individual leases and payment plans have to be monitored.

More properties can lead to escalating outgoings – meaning more work and suppliers to pay.

Postage is a significant expenditure. Block and Estate Management companies need to send out many documents to flat owners – ten per year is standard, and the cost for each is around £6 annually. When multiplied by the number of flats and administration time, this becomes a significant expenditure.

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Block managers do not help themselves by using legacy spreadsheets as well as accounting packages, since these are not designed for the job. And manual spreadsheets are equally time-consuming and laborious.

Firms take on more staff to deal with the workload, pushing costs up again. However, there is a solution: automated software that integrates property and financial management. This conserves resources and grows profits.

Software Solutions

These systems cope with day-to-day management as well as the accounts. Where there are complex schedules, IT solutions can carry out calculations based on individual flat owner specifications. This is much more efficient than using spreadsheets.

The software also helps to keep postage costs down. By emailing demands, letters and statements, managers can reduce stationery costs. Block and Estate Management through Complete Property Group is a business that has taken advantage of this technology.

IT solutions need to be scaled according to the size of the business. For the smallest, spreadsheets will probably be used initially: when they grow, the latest software may become attractive.

With between 500 and 1,000 flats, firms usually have enough income to make IT solutions affordable, while businesses which are growing fast and optimistic about future expansion should think about software from the outset.

The biggest benefit of these packages is that by reducing administration time, they enable business owners to bring in more blocks with new revenue streams.

For a comparison of software, look up https://www.softwareadvice.com/uk/property/.

Property management technology will continue to be in demand, creating opportunities for block owners to expand as it evolves.

3 global mistakes when starting business on the Internet

business on the Internet

Every entrepreneur commits mistakes, as evidenced by the fact that up to 90% of all startups are closed in a year of their existence. Many of these errors are due to the poor preparation of the founding entrepreneur (ignorance of the nuances of monetization, marketing, development and distribution of the product). But there are some gross errors that are made year after year, but which could easily be avoided.Continue reading →

5 reasons to finally get a website for business

website for business

Can you imagine that with the current development of technology, about 40% of small business owners do not use social media, as they cannot imagine the full scale of the possible benefits of the enterprise. Needless to say, if an entrepreneur does not use free opportunities to promote business, then even fewer people think of creating their own website. In fact in it will be necessary to pour in a certain amount of money. And meanwhile own internet-resource is extremely necessary for increase of a sales level and development of the company as a whole.Continue reading →

Facebook ADS: Mistakes to avoid

Facebook ADS

The Facebook ADS are a formidable tool to reach people potentially interested in what we offer, let us know and also lead them to the purchase of our products / services, but, despite being for everyone, also require knowledge of the tool, the principles of online advertising and … of Marketing!

Today we’ll tell you how to avoid wasting time and money on Facebook.Continue reading →

10 things to consider when choosing your eCommerce platform

eCommerce platform

Whether at the moment of the decision to open an eCommerce, or that you notice that your website does not work, that your platform is not easy to use and that you need an update, how do you eliminate the uncertainty and what are the most important features on which to focus your attention?

Here are ten things to consider when evaluating your next eCommerce platform, whether it is a low-cost open source platform, As a Service Software, or a solution rich in many features.Continue reading →

When does a landlord need an EPC?

An EPC is an Energy Performance Certificate. Any landlord who is letting a property must have an EPC. In fact, depending on the type of property you are letting, you may need more than one.

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Different dwellings have different requirements

You can have one EPC for an individual dwelling or house. That means a property that is self-contained and has its own bathroom and kitchen facilities. If a flat is completely self-contained, it only needs one EPC. In this case, self-contained means that the flat is completely within its own front door and has its own bathroom and kitchen. However, that is one EPC per flat, so if you own several flats in a single house, you will need one for each flat because different living spaces can have different energy performance.

If you’re letting individual rooms or bedsits where the tenants share a kitchen, a toilet or a bathroom, each room will have its own tenancy agreement. No EPC is required here. This is also true when a room is part of a hostel or a hall of residence.

If you’re letting a house or flat as a house share or flatshare – for example, to students or professionals – they will have a single tenancy agreement. In this case, you need one EPC for the whole house.

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If you have a hybrid arrangement where you are letting some non-self contained dwellings and some self-contained ones, you need an EPC for each of the self-contained flats but you don’t need one for the rest of the property.

There is more government information on how energy efficiency affects domestic landlords at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/713159/Domestic_Private_Rented_Landlord_Guidance_-_June_18.pdf.

One of the easiest ways to deal with this is by using https://inventorybase.co.uk/ property inventory software, which allows estate agents and landlords to keep track of the documentation required for each property.

Fixed penalties

Where necessary, you have to have an EPC and make it available if required. There’s a fixed penalty regime if you don’t comply with these requirements. The penalty is £200 per “dwelling”, or per unit of accommodation that should have had an EPC under the regulations. However, enforcement action has to take place within six months.

Don’t wait for a penalty; go ahead and get the EPC done before it’s too late!

Five More Ways to Reduce Costs in Your Warehouse

Reducing costs in the current financial climate is a constant challenge for warehouse operators.

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Identifying needs and potential improvements involves an analysis of layout, space, staff productivity freight analysis and systems. The required outcomes should include lowering costs per order, increasing storage capacity by improving inbound and outbound freight, thus impacting turnaround, and improving customer service.

So where can we begin?


The first port of call should be a look at your regular costs. This will involve a look through your own order book and a look at your suppliers’ invoices. By regularly changing suppliers, or at least challenging them to bid again for your contract, you will be more likely to keep costs at their current levels and may even see a saving.

Racking is a key component in any warehouse and is important in maximising space. This an area where a change of supplier may be vital. Industrial Shelving in Ireland has a market leader in https://www.rackzone.ie/shelving/industrial-residential-shelving.

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When checking the efficiency of your storage space, the impact of technology is an area to be assessed. Recent years have seen developments not only in software for tracking goods but also in machinery used within the industry. All of the tasks in a warehouse carry their own costs, and ageing machinery can be costly to operate. Capital investment where possible can be a money-saver, particularly on the technological side of operations.

Continuous Assessment

An ROI analysis could involve looking at the costs and benefits of automation. Using the wrong handling equipment can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs. Continuously assessing your investment requirements can reduce costs, as can reducing waste in inventory and wasted time moving old inventory. Advice on latest trends can be found via the industry trade body, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Energy Saving

Some of the simplest solutions are the most obvious. If you do not want to be the last person leaving the building, turning out the lights for good, then check your energy bills. Switching suppliers will almost certainly save money if you have not done so in recent years. Also check how you are lighting the space. Energy-saving bulbs and timers will cut costs.

Listen to Employees

Workers’ suggestions can reveal cost-saving ideas, so be prepared to listen.

Marketing as an ecology of value

Marketing as an ecology

The term ecology is increasingly used by academics, experts and strategy and marketing consultants as well as by business managers instead of the market. The objective of this contribution is to highlight the reasons behind this change / evolution in managerial language and the main implications of marketing.

The choice to refer to ecology rather than to the market is, in my view, two signage (epochal) changes. The first, already rather consolidated, is the growing orientation towards managing the relationship rather than the transaction. A transaction, as is known, occurs between a seller and a buyer. The identity of these two people and the nature of the relationship between them is irrelevant for the purpose of the exchange. In this frame of reference, the primary task of marketing is to ensure the correct positioning of the product in the market.Continue reading →