Six reasons why you need a membership management system

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If you use a number of different software systems to manage events, invoicing, emails and web design, and you also find the need to spend a significant amount of time updating and organising member data, it might be time for you to make the change and invest in a membership management system.

Running a business, club or other type of organisation can be time consuming and challenging. Membership management systems however can help you to maximise your time and resources, simplify your core objectives and empower your members.

So what other reasons are there for using a membership management system?

1. Centralise your member data

Wave goodbye to multiple excel spreadsheets, invoices, event histories and diary entries. A membership management system will help you to integrate all of this information into one easy to use, streamlined location. The difference will be huge!

2. Automating tasks

Many subscribers get bogged down by those repetitive and boring tasks, such as updating contact information, signing up for events and paying sub fees, often to the detriment of other more meaningful communication. Worse, they may even put them off altogether. By automating these elements members will have more time for the fun stuff and as a result will become more engaged.

3. Mobile friendly

Everyone is looking for speed and simplicity. Whether they are viewing the membership management system from a laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone, the interface needs to be clear and easy to use.

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4. Segmentation, personalisation

A membership management system, such as enables the user to personalise emails, segment contact lists, save draft messages, record a separate member profile for each subscriber and much more.

5. Generate reports

From generating reports to sending out timely emails, you need never miss an important event or invoice again. Furthermore, a good membership management system will enable you to save event data and compare it at a later date. This provides an opportunity to improve services, based on such comparisons.

6. Customer support

A happy customer is a loyal customer, so making sure each and every one of your subscribers has a positive experience is essential. Management systems enable organisations to provide a much higher level of targeted support to their users and as a result, keep more customers happy and loyal.