When you run an oil field, there are a lot of things you need to keep track of on a daily basis. These things include hauling supplies to your site and getting the product to your clients. You will also need an adequate supply of water for your personnel and equipment as well as the proper disposal of all kinds of waste. Having a service company to handle your logistics can help cut back on the types of specialty equipment that you need and the number of suppliers you have to work with.
Variety of Needs Met
The right oil field service company can help you meet a variety of needs. This means that you can contract with one company to remove debris, deliver potable water, and even bring pipes and other large supplies to your worksite. By working with one company instead of many different ones, you can save time and money. Sometimes you can even work out a single large contract for less than several smaller ones. Finding a company with a variety of different services offered, which also has experience working in the field, can give you a good place to start when opening up a new field or a new oil company. This is because in addition to helping you haul everything you need; these companies can help you determine what your needs are in the first place.
Specialty Equipment
While it is possible to be your own service company, it would require you to have the trucks, drivers and specialty trailers necessary to haul everything to and from your worksite. You would also have to make contacts for all the services you need yourself. This makes it easier to go with established companies who already have the contacts and equipment necessary for the job. If you contract with a full-service company for water hauling, for instance, and suddenly need a side-dump trailer for debris removal, then you just have to call up the same service and work it out. This can save you the time and hassle of researching a new company and working out a contract with them every time you need a new service performed.
An oil field service can help you with all of the things that you need hauled to and from your drilling or fracking site. This includes everything from potable water to wastewater as well as supplies. By hiring a service with a variety of different trailer types, you can avoid having to contract with multiple hauling companies for the same work as well as keep your equipment costs down.