People are the most important resource of enterprises; their contribution goes far beyond its value as labor. Their ability, creativity and willingness against everything they do have a direct impact, and like nothing else, the final results of the company. This contribution is further multiplied when it is as important as the “Sales” department.
Unfortunately, a high percentage of companies gives due importance to the continuing education of its employees, and leave aside without knowing the opportunities thrown away.
Those who do know and have had the opportunity to check their benefits, understand the training as another form of investment, while all you learn a collaborator allows you to improve certain aspects of their daily work. All will result in contributions.
Another problem has to do with not knowing the right way to apply this valuable resource. While there are many companies who dare to consistently deliver training, there is also a large number who misses the opportunity, making a wrong investment.
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This happens, for example, when sellers do not have the real opportunity to put their new knowledge into practice. In this regard, it is noted that the more time passes between training and the application of learning, the lower the benefit to the company.
On the other hand, there are managers who understand the training process as a response to problems, i.e. “a posterior”. For example, when the company decided to incorporate new software to enter sales, you need an expert to explain how sellers should be used to get the greatest benefits.
On the contrary, the ideal is that it is a continuum, and a prior, process problems as they arise.