I was asked, so more and more frequently, if there are differences in sales techniques in the store than other techniques for selling seen so far. Obviously, there are differences and are relevant, but more than the differences we can talk about further considerations than the standard.
As in all the sales techniques we’ve seen so far, even in the store you need to dress in a non-tacky, always smiling, try to understand the customer’s needs, and so on. However, unlike a telephone sales or catalog, the sales techniques in the store must take into account that the customer is physically present in the store and that the sale will close in the near!
So, what to do to increase your turnover? Can operate in two sectors than any other type of sale does not possess:
- Improve the store
- Improve communication technical staff
Improve the store
In essence, it consists in changing the arrangement of the goods in order to maximize profits. It will certainly have noticed that most of the provisions of supermarkets has very similar goods. I mean the position of the individual products on the shelves.
Obviously, this is not a coincidence, but is the result of research to get you to spend as much as possible! In particular, inside the store it is important to the arrangement of the goods on the shelves. The trick behind every sales technique, and marketing in general, is to make the present possible product within our mind …
Therefore, to increase profits should always place the goods, which has a higher margin profit, up to the average buyer’s eyes. For example if you’re in the area you will find pasta Barilla, Buitoni and all other premium brands that produce pulp, the shelves ranging from meter to meter and forty and seventy.
The reason for this arrangement is that the customer “type” is a woman, which in our country has an average height ranging from 155 to 170 cm. In this way, high-profit paste the always parry before the eyes … But the low-cost brand pastas are always positioned in the lower shelves, where you have to look purposefully and more are on the bottom and usually cost less.
Even the up position is less powerful than the central one, but an attempt to exploit at least where it is possible the men’s market. For example in the pasta department will top the smaller portions (such as the one-pound package), and all other products that seek singles (sauces and things that you cook without working too).
In fact, on average, men are taller than women of almost 20 cm, so the central location is shifted by a shelf. Speaking of buyers, “type”, the candy and chocolate department presents the products they prefer to children in a low position that fits their height. So, ultimately, try to move the goods in order to keep an eye on these measures, because it seems that the difference reaches 30% improvement in turnover.
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The status of the goods in the store
In addition to the device for heights, for the purpose of most statistical perseverance it is also vital to consider the position of the goods inside the exhibition. Throughout the store has to be studied in order to stay as long as possible customer inside the store itself.
This is because, statistics there is evidence that remains and the customer buys more time (perhaps may think that “what I miss,” this “you know it can be interesting,” etc.). Moreover, the more the merrier! Not in the sense of many customers as possible (which is obvious), but in the sense of pleasant space for the whole family.
It is no coincidence that in supermarkets, since the 90s, have arisen electronics areas that typically affect teenagers and men up to 40-45 years, who are also the people who break the boxes to go grocery shopping. Increasing the number of people in the household who go on site, it also increases the volume of business, as each one ends up buying something that otherwise would not have been purchased (or would not have been bought at that store).
The children’s play area is made just to give a sense of tranquility to the parents, who consequently are not in a hurry and buy more. Always to the question of presence of the client time inside the store, it is also fundamental to make sure that the path present a path. With this system the shop is seen in full and not in a hasty manner.
… They fit example of the “obstacles” that hamper the pace, especially in the points with high-performance products. They have the goods in such a way as to influence the customer journey, from one end of the store, past complementary products (e.g. close to the pasta are also the sauces). So, to increase the volume of business it is necessary that the exhibition area of your business is designed to remain as customers can in the store.
Improving committed
The second key is to work with the sales force. In sales techniques in the store must close a deal immediately, and to do this we need effective communication to the sales counter. Especially one that can make a seller’s shop, in addition to all the standard techniques such as understanding customer needs, listen, etc., is to make the cross-selling, that is, increase volumes.
I will explain … The Cross selling is a method of placing a second product in addition to what the customer is buying. I do the examples that clarify the concept immediately. The customer is buying a high definition TV and the clerk asks if by chance also wants the extended warranty to 4 years.
The customer is taking the Mac menu from McDonald’s and the clerk asks if you want the cup of ice cream or, finally, the customer is buying a pinstripe suit and the clerk asks if you want to even the tie that is very good. In short, while the customer is going to pay, you ask them if by chance it is also interested in adding a related product to make it do a cost of X + Y.
I hope it is clear why the cross-selling increases the volume of business at the store. However, the clerk cannot ask randomly if the customer interested in something else. Everything must be rehearsed and formalized in the correct way! First of all, you will need to prepare the sales force to make the cross-selling, by associating with each product its possible complementary.
That is, you consider memory to your salespeople with the product A must suggest the product A2 and the product B product B2 and so on. Please note that the product cross-selling should cost significantly less than the main product. You cannot place the pinstriped suit to the person who is buying a tie, as you cannot place the entire Mac menu to those who came just for the cup of ice cream. People come to spend a maximum of 10 and can push it to spend 11 or 12 dollar, but not that much.
The grounds themselves are obvious, but the biggest advantage is what must seem a dispassionate advice from friend and not you just want piazza more stuff. That is, if I buy a new laptop for 600 dollar and the clerk asks me if I am interested in an extended warranty for 4 years at 30 dollar, I think it is good advice and probably accept (considering the clerk a good person that I is encouraging for my own good).
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If the same committed instead of the extended warranty asks me if by chance they are also interested in an iPad from 700 dollar, at least I think “we or us this?” Or “you take me for a fool?”, And so on. In short, it is likely that most would not go back to the store, or even worse, I decide not to buy even the laptop that I was already buying!
In addition, the board should be given without pressing the customer otherwise it seems a stretch. A good method is to behave like a person who is known for some time (but still maintaining professionalism) and maybe begin with: “I was thinking one thing: since it is buying a good professional, mobile, how about adding the extension of guarantee that only 30 dollar it cost?”.
The next time the client will seek direct the clerk who helped him, since it considers his advice as a practice dispassionate. It is important that necessarily buy the product cross selling because, if the practice is done well, it will lead to customer loyalty and maybe buy something else the next time.
Cross selling, also means that the customer is idealize for two distinct products, and when will replace the product A, is also likely to try the product A2. That is, if today you have convinced to pay for the extension of the warranty for your computer, most likely when after a few years will change the computer again, you ask you directly the extended warranty considering it all a unique product … And you then propose further cross selling wondering if it is interested in carrying bag!
Finally, an effective cross-selling occurs when the add-on product provides a quote (if you’re a retailer, perhaps you so that there is a cheaper price to buy both products instead of just the original one).
I’ve said so far as it seems logical, but then I thought it is better to specify as it is a mistake that I saw commit often: please only and exclusively when the customer cross-selling has already virtually taken the wallet to pay the originating and never before! If you ask him before, actually you’re mentally putting in front of a choice and risks then do not buy anything for fear of making a mistake …
Increase in volumes
It comes in a few words to push the customer (already convinced of purchase), to buy a larger quantity or a similar product, but better quality. The classic example of the larger quantity is often applied in fast-food. Are you buying your pretty average menu, but the clerk asks you if you do not want one dollar more maxi that has twice as chips.
The better quality could be instead something (to stay in the field of portable computers): “I see you’re taking the laptop with i3 core processor and 4 GB of RAM. What do you think of this Core i5 with 6 GB of RAM that only costs 100 dollar more, but that’s a whole other world?”.
Both techniques work well as long as the clerk is a guy with his head on his shoulders and say sensible things. That is, if you’re taking the mini fast-food menu, you cannot ask if you want the big as the jump is too big, so you will have to ask if you want the biggest menu in the playlist immediately. Also, if you are choosing the ice cream menu, the increase will have to ask only on the menu or just ice cream, otherwise it will give a feeling of being anxious and will end the positive effect of the technique.
Same goes for the qualitative increase. You cannot tell people if you want to go from 600 dollar computer to the super fig 1500 dollar … At most it might be willing to spend 50, maximum 100 dollar more if you know enthuse up on improvements that are obtained …
To conclude the sale within a business has some additional elements compared to the sale or representation that door to door, making the affordable activities apply if you know well the sales techniques in the store.