What web design trends are we seeing?

2019 is set to be full of exciting technological advancements and innovative design features.

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Large-Scale Adoption of Mobile-First Approaches

As Deloitte’s mobile consumer survey illustrates, the popularity of mobile browsing is increasing, meaning it is imperative for businesses to provide seamless and intuitive mobile experiences for their customers.

Customised Illustrations

Standing out from the crowd is hugely important in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Creating a memorable and unique brand presence is integral to success and personalised illustrations are an astute way to implement a cohesive brand personality.

An Increased Focus on Genuine Imagery

Stock imagery is finally being replaced. Teams offering Web development or design like Web Design Yorkshire at sites including etempa.co.uk will now carefully consider all options, often utilising professional photographers to create visuals that reflect a company’s core values.

Hello Video

Successful video content is an engaging and concise communication tool. Integrating moving imagery into web designs is likely to become more commonplace, but it is going to be essential to ensure it adds real value and not an unnecessary distraction.

Prototyping Tools

Assisting with the creation of highly intuitive and aesthetically pleasing designs, time spent creating prototype sites will no longer be seen as a time drain.

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Eye-Catching Typography

Typography can be tricky, especially within the increasingly more complex designs we’re beginning to see emerging. Every professional London web design company loves experimenting with typography, finding increasingly unique ways to convey important messages meaningfully to audiences.

Intuitive Scrolling and Perceptive Parallax

Integral components for both usability and the efficient communication of important pieces of information, the more interactive and intuitive these features become, the better and more creative web design is set to become.


Minimal designs have been running the show for a while now, but 2019 is set to be the year that colour palettes become more daring and vivid. When incorporated successfully, bold colours have the potential to attract attention for all the right reasons.

Growth in Responsive Design

Nothing new, but almost certainly a given. Responsive design is an integral component of every dynamic design delivering a seamless user experience every single time.

Evolution of Frameworks and UI/UX Patterns

As competition increases, creativity is going to become one of the biggest game changers in the web design landscape. This, however, will begin with a focus on solid frameworks designed to provide consistent and reliable browsing experiences.

What do you need if you start up your own call centre?

Starting up a new business is a huge step, especially if it’s going to be a call centre with potentially lots of staff starting, equipment to purchase and legalities to worry about.

So here are just a few things we could think of to give you a head start and a push in the right direction.

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Desks for your staff

Each staff member will need a space to work from and how generous you are could make a difference to the amount of work they get done and how many breaks they may take. It’s got to have enough room to comfortably put there equipment, paper work and stationary.  If your call centre is receiving a high number of calls you will want to think about having a reasonable gap between the staff to allow them to hear the customer clearly.


Try to invest in the latest phones that will allow for internet connectivity and that can potentially allow for transfers to different departments.  It would also be a good idea if you are building a list clientele to get a phone that will allow for video calling so you can have a face to face meeting without the need to leave the office.  Do you want to invest in head pieces with head phones attached to allow them to be handsfree so they can continue to work at the same time.

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Your staff are going to be sat down for long periods of time, sometimes five to six times a week so a comfortable seat is vital for their posture, health and wellbeing.  Think about the ergonomics of the area they are in, what kind of work they are doing and the function you need the chair to have.  Looking at Operator Chairs is a good idea with companies including Best Buy Office Chairs as there are lots of options and great prices too.   Most staff will simply need to move around, go up and down and have a comfortable back support.

Vending machine

A machine within the office area that provides snacks, lunch options and drinks is a necessity in my mind.

Staffoften will bring their drinks and lunch but most simply don’t have the time in the morning or can’t be bothered and will rather buy something convenient.   This will need to be in an open area with some seating and a few dining chairs and table that create a break out, lunch and chill area.  This has been known to increase productivity.

Understanding the FDA Stance on CBD

Over the years there has been an increased interest in hemp and hemp-derived products for cosmetic therapy, treatment of medical conditions as alleviation of symptoms, and dietary supplements. CBD, the non-psychoactive chemical compound found in cannabis, is believed to be beneficial in many ways and the people who have been applying it to their lives give constructive and positive feedback. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is still in the stage of analysis. Understanding the current FDA stance on CBD requires some research, so we’ve done it for you and attempted to summarize the core issues.Continue reading →

Influencer marketing: What is it? Why is it important? How is it done?

Influencer marketing

The influencer marketing is increasingly taking place on social media. Find great space both in corporate strategies. Because it has a weight in directing people’s purchasing decisions.

At one time, there was talk of word of mouth and reviews. Users purchased a product or service and tell their experience to other acquaintances or on online platforms. Today, these dynamics have evolved, seeing the rise of a growing number of opinion leaders as bloggers, youtubers, brand ambassadors, but above all social influencers. All these, we repeat, influence the consumption habits of followers who follow them on their channels.Continue reading →

Preparing for the Future: Tips for Funding Your Retirement Fund

Are you counting the days until you can walk out of the office door and not come back? Do you long to spend your days walking on the beach? Retirement is a rite of passage for many. After years of working hard, it should be a time to relax and enjoy life. For the dream to happen, you’ll need to plan now, creating a financial portfolio that can fund your dreams. Don’t wait too long to think about the future. Here are three tips to help save for your next step in life.Continue reading →

Content marketing: time to engage

Content marketing is not just something that major brands can pursue to boost customer engagement; instead, it is equally suitable for start-up companies and small organisations that want to get noticed in the over-saturated online arena.

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Many people believe that traditional ads are simply ineffective as a result of the tactics that consumers use to avoid them.

From using streaming services to avoid TV ads to installing software designed to prevent online promotions getting in the way of their browsing experience, an increasingly tech-savvy target audience has to be courted in a new way.

If you are interested in harnessing content marketing, you can contact an expert.
To help you to understand the basics, here are some of the reasons content marketing will be big.  If you need content creating then a Cheltenham PR Agency found at sites similar to www.targetgroup.co.uk/.
Achieving visibility

The idea behind content marketing is that businesses will be able to use it to rise above their competitors and build a customer base through engagement rather than outright advertising. Boosting awareness of your brand by creating shareable content that people can disseminate via social media can be more effective than paying for a PPC campaign and keeping your fingers crossed.

Demonstrating value

Trust is still the key to converting casual site visitors into paying customers. To demonstrate that your organisation has something valuable to offer, you can use content marketing to provide useful information that is related to your business. This could be everything from product reviews and coverage to tips and advice that are freely available to everyone.

Encouraging action

The end goal of content marketing should be to boost engagement and conversions, whether in the form of direct sales or simply getting people to arrange an appointment with your firm with a view to furthering the relationship in the near future. Content needs to be created in a way that increases the likelihood of a visitor taking action after they have consumed it.

A simple tactic that works well in this respect is to create content that talks people through the processes involved in buying a particular product or service, as this has a natural progression towards an interaction. Taking people on a journey with content is sure to lead to an increase in sales, even in a competitive area of the market.

Dropshipping: What is it? How does it work?


What is dropshipping and how does it work? Perhaps you have already heard about this particular activity, which is in effect a new form of digital entrepreneurship, linked to web marketing, and specifically to e-commerce. But what is it in a nutshell? Does its definition exist?

Broadly speaking, we can say that dropshipping is the online sale of a product that you do not own. It’s strange to say, but that’s right. Now let’s try to understand better and, above all, let’s try to understand how to start. We will see that it is essential to choose the right products and, before that, to evaluate the budget to invest in the business (by calculating costs and revenues, to accurately forecast margins).Continue reading →

How Marketing Strategies Change

In the past, the most traditional types of marketing included radio advertisements, mail advertisements and television advertisements. While many of these are still worthwhile investments, you have to step up your game if you plan to advertise and market a business. Companies that ignore digital marketing and the importance of changing as technology changes tend to be left behind. Here are some factors that may influence your strategy.Continue reading →

How to write the subject of the email? Increase the opening rate in 5 moves

write the subject of the email

When we talk about newsletters, we cannot restrict the topic exclusively to the email itself. We must instead consider an element that precedes the body of the text and on which the opening rate depends: “the subject of the email.”

Sometimes a book must also be judged by the cover. In short, an unattractive title and an unattractive image risk nullifying the work completed. The object has the same function as the covers, it has the extraordinary power to convince or not the sender to open the emails, whether they are work or personal.Continue reading →